Releasing Shame
When I meet with a client, usually one of the first things that becomes apparent very early on is the amount of "shame" they are carrying. What happens when we carry...
Read MoreWhen I meet with a client, usually one of the first things that becomes apparent very early on is the amount of "shame" they are carrying. What happens when we carry...
Read MoreI've been thinking a lot about this word "sovereignty" lately. It's a word that had been a thorn in my side since I first heard it years ago. I can...
Read More"Do you feel safe in your body?" When I first heard this question or even pondered this word, "safety", in relation to my body, it triggered something so deep in...
Read MoreI want to get really real with you today and share with you a bit about my most intimate journeys with my own relationship(s) so you can have a better...
Read MoreYou may know of my long unhealthy journey with my body and you may not. If not, below is a super short summary as it's important you do know for what...
Read MoreAhhh, I've missed writing and connecting with you in this way. I shared this experience in my last newsletter and I wasn't surprised with how many women replied with such resonance...
Read MoreWe're not broken. We're not in the wrong bodies. We're not inadequate. We're not lesser. We're not unwanted. We're not fraudulent. We're not undesirable. That's all just a...
Read MoreIf you met your exact self as another person… Would you like her? Would you try to change her? Would she be a good friend of yours? How would you...
Read MoreJust a few years ago I woke up to this deep inner knowing that I had a much deeper purpose in life and it wasn't to be commuting 3 hours...
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