My Story - Dana Canneto
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My story has been a multi-faceted pilgrimage...

to coming home to myself. From trial to triumph.

Like many women, most of my life was imbued with feelings of unworthiness and shame. I battled with body dysmorphia from a young age which I now view from a completely different perspective. I see that it was a symptom of my disconnection from God, Universe, Source…and my essence.

However, I was masterful at putting on a very good facade. I was so well trained in being who I thought I should be to fit in and be liked.

I gave my power away. I took on the desires and needs of others, lost my sense of self and had little to no boundaries and therefore, felt out of control with life. Over time, I started taking control of the one thing I thought I could control and that was my body. This completely disconnected me from my feminine.

I felt powerless!

My first wake up call was in 2001...

when I had a health scare due to depriving my body of her needs. I had been battling anorexia coupled with an addictive personality that helped me escape from feeling what I didn’t want to feel.

This was the turning point to healing my physical body.

Over time, I became stronger. I felt more confident and more in tune with my body. I was “successful” in my career, and in a serious relationship. Yet, I had no idea what was to come next.

In 2010, just a few short weeks after my father passed away, I had a profound spiritual awakening that rocked me to my knees in sobbing tears with a voice reverberating through my soul that I was not living the life I was here to live, and that simple question of “Who am I?” became my mantra.

“Who am I?”

This catapulted me into a deep journey of introspection, figuring out who I was so as to understand where I fit into this landscape of earth. I found myself seeking spiritual guidance and with my insatiable hunger for growth, I immersed myself in teachings and trainings of all sorts all to reclaim the parts of me I lost along the way.

During this time it created a lot of struggle in my relationship with my husband. I, not knowing where I fit spiritually and him fearful of my path due to his religious upbringing and wounding early on in life. .

Now, after years of working through our differences as I continued to understand where I fit in the spiritual world, we have come together in a union so powerful and loving like never before and which allows me to now stand in my leadership and live my legacy with him by my side so that I can help other women work through their challenges in love and leadership, just the same.

Over the years, our love has grown to one of intimacy and radical connection to where I can show up as the leader I am here to be as I hold space for him to do the same and it was through my journey to liberating myself that enabled us to be liberated in partnership of love. It's through through this, my legacy is to help other women liberate themselves in Love, Leadership and Legacy.

Nothing brings me more alive than that!

My life has transformed in so many ways through the very work I offer.
Everything I support women with was given to me as gifts from God to then share with women across the globe.

If you feel inspired to connect, here is how I can support you, you can click below.

"I was floating for a few days after our session, knowing I was "seen" and who I knew I was. From there, I had the clarity I needed to move forward on my life path personally and professionally, it. was Magical! If you are unsure about your purpose and path in the world, if you are hesitating to embody all of who you can be...
Go work with Dana!"

~ Donna Ashton

Fun Facts about me:

My achilles heal:

Bring me into a beautiful artisan, vintage or culturally infused clothing and jewelry shop… it’s hard to tame me. I love to explore beauty in all ways and one of them is to allow myself to experience art that which speaks to my unique expression.

My essence’s archetypes:

I carry with me all the archetypes of the Luminary Woman. Did you take the quiz yet? I don't want to spill the beans but let's just say I'm mixed with a bit of compassion, a lot of integrity, mounds of patience and lot's of love that I love to spread around.


There is nothing like having a community of Sisterhood who connect, collaborate and cheer each other on, who believe in each other, who pray for each other, who laugh, play with and see each other and walk in faith together in all ways.

My Solitude:

Just as much as I love community, I love solitude. I love my moments with the Divine, being in nature, and just tuning into the beauty of the love that surrounds me everyday. This is my reprieve that rejuvenates me

My Favorite things:

Visiting local towns, shops, deep conversation, sitting at the ocean, beauty in all forms, trying new food, traveling to experience different cultures and people. I’m an explorer and adventurer at heart.

My mentorship style:

Authentic, transparent, gently bold, impassioned, reflective, objective, non-judgmental and sacred. It must always has to be infused with a bit of light humor and always in alignment with Guidance from God.

Now how about you?

I want to know about you and how I can support you.
Let’s have a conversation.

about Dana

Dana helps soul-inspired, mission driven feminine Visionaries, Thought Leaders, Paradigm Shifters, Changemakers, Healers, Coaches, Creatives, Soulpreneurs and professional women who are ready to step into the next incarnation of their Soul’s Purpose and embody their Feminine Leadership in a new way.

She considers herself a Luminary Leader in this new paradigm of how we do “life and business”. She has been leading women for over ten years, helping them come home to their sacred truth, sovereign in their embodied power and aligned with their sacred purpose so they can walk their destined path and live their divine legacy to create more impact, wealth and freedom in all areas of their life.
Dana’s background consists of a combination of modalities such as somatic facilitation, spiritual mentorship, energy healing, intuitive guidance, clairvoyant consulting, shamanic facilitation, sacred ceremony, and her proprietary methodology of sacred dance called Revival Dance® but above all else, her key ingredient is her ability to see a woman’s {luminary} essence (who she is at her core) and reflect back to her, her innate power and highest potential so she can embody the Luminary Woman within and live the embodied life she is destined to live.

And from there,
she is freed!

"Since working with Dana, I've never been more honest with myself. I've let go of guilt and shame and unworthiness that has consumed me since I was a little girl, and I feel finally at a place of deserving. I feel like I matter for once. that everything makes sense now. That in and of itself is gold to me. like hitting the internal lotto. I I feel definitely more empowered in my body, in my self. I am finally excited to be alive."

~ Lisa Moran