The Luminary Woman Home - Dana Canneto
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Liberating women in Love, Legacy and Leadership



A Guide to Aligned Purpose and Embodied Living.

A Sacred Guide to help you connect with the Luminary Woman and become the embodiment of the leader within.

As women, we are here to lead differently...

We are meant to lead from soul...

Yet we were taught to do it the hard way, the overly toxic masculine way and in all the doing, we forget to be. We forget to be with ourselves and with others without resentment and overwhelm, leading to less intimacy, less connection and more dis-ease. We become more disconnected from God, our purpose and our vitality. So what are we to do?

We are here to reclaim our Leadership...

And it starts with women like us!

The world is calling for a revolution. A Revolution to where women’s leadership is deeply guided through love. Not only is this vital at this time for the world but deeply needed in our homes. When you cultivate deeper intimacy with yourself, with your partner and in your relationships, you have the capacity and ability to stand in your higher leadership with confidence, clarity and conviction. This is where we redefine success and experience true prosperity.

You deserve the Love and Life you Crave.

You’re here to revolutionize and thrive as a luminous woman who is ready to change the paradigm of how we do relationships and how we do life as a Confident, Sovereign and Embodied Woman.

This is the missing link to your true prosperity...

Whether you are a career woman, an entrepreneur or a rising leader who is done with the "trying" and ready lean on faith to live your legacy in love and leadership and who knows there is more to success than what you're currently experiencing, this is for you!

If this is pulling at your heartstrings, click below to have a conversation.

Hi, I'm Dana...

I support high achieving women who are ready to embody deep love with self and others so they can feel confident and aligned in their role as a luminary leader with more Purpose, Joy & Vitality.


I believe…

That all suffering stems from not embodying the fullest expression of who we are in all areas of life and therefore not living in alignment with our highest purpose. It is every woman’s birthright to be who she is, to shine her radiant light in love, purpose and leadership with confidence and conviction and when she does, look out world!

I take a stand for…

Every woman standing out in her true power, seen in her highest embodiment, be fulfilled in her destined path and in turn break the generational cycles of shame and unworthiness so she can experience the level of love, freedom and wealth she is here to receive.

As a Woman…

Who has been through my own journey to embracing my feminine essence, cultivating deeper love within myself, more intimacy with my partner and deeper connection with God,  there is nothing that brings me greater joy than watching a woman step into the same reality of being who she truly is, embracing her leadership and creating the greatest impact in her family life, career path and in turn positively impacting the world around her.

The Luminary Woman…

Is an invitation to embody the radiant woman you are here to be, so you can thrive and feel alive in your relationships, confident in your work in the world and embodied with radical Self-trust, Sovereignty and in turn experiencing true Success.

Where to start



~ Lisa M. Stenographer

“I was so confused when I started working with Dana, and I have felt clear since the first session.  That in and of itself is gold to me, like hitting the internal lotto. I feel more empowered in myself.  I am excited and feel alive!”

~ Karen, Artist

“Working with Dana has been an amazing beautiful gift.  She is highly intuitive, compassionate and insightful. She provides nourishing, transformative guidance that is truly soulful and divine.  This symbolic wisdom helped me increase my self- awareness and deeply connect to my higher-self. There were so many synchronicities with Dana's support. This beautiful journey has also awakened my soul’s purpose and cultivated more joy and abundance in my life. Thank you Dana for sharing your magical gifts!”

~ Mary Grothe

Reiki Practitioner

“I did the Immersion with Dana and was amazed at how spot on she was.  She shared something that ended up being very profound and pivotal for me.  I love working with Dana.  She is so gifted and I will be doing for sure working  with her again in the future.”

~ Jennifer Peterson

Equus Life & Business Coach & Shamanic Reiki Master Teacher

“I had a mind blowing experience working with Dana! She gave me so much clarity!   She is gifted and she is a wonderful human to spend time with. She proved to me that we are made of star stuff…as if I needed any more proof. Hire this woman immediately. She is brilliant.  Do not hesitate. This woman is pure magic.  With gratitude,”