Dana Canneto


Are you ready to Live a Lifestyle of Purpose
according to God's Plan For You and Thrive?


To the 21-Day Prayer, Purpose and Provision Experience

Get access to the Free 21-Day Experience to embrace more Faith vs. Fear and to build  radical Trust in God’s Plan for You!

Dear Woman...
You are here to lead differently...

You have been prepared for this moment...

As women we seem to make things hard. There is no need to control nor have a lens into the future but to cultivate trust and confidence in the plan God has for you. This is a lifestyle of deeper faith, and being equipped with tools to honor your body, mind and spirit so you can prosper in every area of your life and thrive beyond your own understanding.

Luminary Women are here to leave a Legacy...

And it begins with women like you!

There is a Revival Happening. And if you’ve landed here, you’re probably part of it. A Revival to where women’s leadership is deeply anointed in love and faith. Not only is this vital at this time for the world but deeply needed in our businesses and homes. When you cultivate deeper intimacy and partnership with God, you have the capacity and ability to lead with more confidence, grace and conviction. This is where we redefine our roles and experience true prosperity.

It's a Lifestyle

If you know you're here to revolutionize and thrive as a luminary woman ready to lead with love in your home, your business and or career path and with the Confidence and Faith to do so, then I welcome you here!

We often think the "doing" is what matters but in all honestly, the more I "do" the more I fail. The more I BE and keep listening to the voice of GOD, I thrive. This is what we're here for and I am psyched to help you get there.

If this is inspiring you to know more, click below to have a conversation.

Hi, I'm Dana...

I help purpose led women embrace their true identity as a Confident Woman flourishing in faith as she aligns herself with Gods' will for higher leadership and lasting Legacy in her Business & Home.


I believe…

That all suffering stems from lack of trust, faith and connection to God. It is every woman’s birthright to know her inherent worth, to trust that God has her back so that she can put her faith in the path that is carved out for her even when it feels hard so she can leave the Legacy she is here to live into and prosper.

I take a stand for…

Every woman to fulfill her purpose and experience the love that is available to her when it comes to her relationships with God and in turn, herself. Break the generational cycles of shame and unworthiness so she can experience freedom once and for all and receive the provision that is right in front of her that God is waiting for return to her.

As a Woman…

Who has been through my own journey to cultivating a deeper relationship and union with God and therefore more confidence to trust in his supernatural provision, there is nothing that brings me greater joy than watching a woman thrive and prosper as she grows in her faith and trust in God, create the impact she is here to create and not just in her business or ministry but her marriage, family, career and in turn positively impacting the world around her and as the more she propers, her impact greater.

The Luminary Woman…

Is a faith-led woman who is being positioned to create change in the world and when she does it according to God’s plan, she thrives. She is known for her light-filled qualities and positive influence. She is moral, noble and one of integrity. She serves from a place of kindness, compassion, honesty and humility. She stands out as a role model, inspiring others with her wisdom, creativity, leadership, and compassion. She strives to lead a life guided by God’s principles and leaves a legacy behind, making a significant impact in her community and beyond. The Luminary Woman is a virtuous woman who lives by Faith and leads through Grace.

Where to Start



~ Lisa M. Stenographer

“I was so confused when I started working with Dana, and I have felt clear since the first session.  That in and of itself is gold to me, like hitting the internal lotto. I feel more empowered in myself.  I am excited and feel alive!”

~ Karen, Artist

“Working with Dana has been an amazing beautiful gift.  She is highly gifted spiritually, compassionate and insightful. She provides nourishing, transformative guidance that is truly divine.  Her wisdom helped me increase my self- awareness and deeply connect with God. There were so many synchronicities with Dana’s support. This beautiful journey has also awakened my soul’s purpose and cultivated more joy and abundance in my life. Thank you Dana for sharing your gifts!”

~ Mary Grothe

“I was amazing at how spot on  Dana was She shared something that ended up being very profound and pivotal for me.  I love working with Dana.  She is so gifted and I will be doing for sure working  with her again in the future.”

~ Jennifer Peterson

Equus Life & Business Coach

“I had a mind blowing experience working with Dana! She gave me so much clarity!   She is gifted and she is a wonderful human to spend time with. Hire this woman immediately. She is brilliant.  Do not hesitate. This woman is pure.  With gratitude,”