Reflections - Dana Canneto
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Releasing Shame

When I meet with a client, usually one of the first things that becomes apparent very early on is the amount of "shame" they are carrying. What happens when we carry...

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Photographer: Alessio Albi

Letting Go of Your Victim Story

Ahhh, I've missed writing and connecting with you in this way.   I shared this experience in my last newsletter and I wasn't surprised with how many women replied with such resonance...

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In The Midst of Body Shame

We're not broken. We're not in the wrong bodies. We're not inadequate. We're not lesser. We're not unwanted. We're not fraudulent. We're not undesirable. That's all just a...

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Meet My Best Friend

If you met your exact self as another person… Would you like her? Would you try to change her? Would she be a good friend of yours? How would you...

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My Turning Point

Just a few years ago I woke up to this deep inner knowing that I had a much deeper purpose in life and it wasn't to be commuting 3 hours...

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Who Am I

Who AM I?

Have you ever asked yourself that question? “Who Am I?” I use to ask myself this all the time. Are you in that stage of your life where you are...

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