Who AM I? - Dana Canneto
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Who AM I?

Who Am I

Who AM I?

Have you ever asked yourself that question? “Who Am I?”


I use to ask myself this all the time.


Are you in that stage of your life where you are getting clarity around what your purpose is or what gifts you have to share with the world?  Maybe you are in a career that you are unhappy in, you’re starting up a business or in a relationship that is weighing you down. Maybe your health is in shambles and you can’t quite get the energy to BE living out your desired life. You KNOW you are here to do big things but your stuck and you are allowing other negative influences to cloud your experience.


I will share with you this.  Each time I asked that question, it got easier.  It got easier because I was better able to use my body to give me the answers. I was beginning to embody me and trust my intuition.


What I mean by that is we so often neglect the feelings in our body and let our minds do the decisions making then seek outside ourselves for validation when really…. We have all the answers inside of us.


However, I could have never been able to use my body in this way if I didn’t clean her up and nourish her first. By that I mean through ridding of toxic foods that were not good for my body, by clearing my mindset, being OK with my emotions and most of all giving her space by sitting still.


How can you begin to partner with your body so that you can trust your truth and be in your own power?


Begin to ask yourself these questions.


  • How am I talking to my body?
  • How am I feeding my body?
  • How am I depriving my body?
  • How am I over exerting my body?
  • What am I overindulging in?
  • Am I eating my emotions instead of dealing with them?
  • Am I surrounding myself with positive people?
  • Do I feel energized and healthy?
  • Am I moving my body the way she likes?
  • Is my body happy with me right now?


If you are unhappy with your body and resonating with any of the above questions in a negative way, it’s more then likely she’s trying to tell you something. In order for us to evolve and move forward in all areas of our life… whether it’s living life on purpose as a mama, a wife, a girlfriend, an entrepreneur, a career woman and begin to create the life we want we need to honor our body first.  We need to start using her as our ally towards manifesting our every desire.


Wouldn’t that feel AMAZING?


Please leave a comment below and let me know how you can begin to nourish your body today.

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