God knew you before you were formed, and He has had a plan for you all along.
Right now, a powerful revival of women is unfolding,
and you might be one of them...
If you are, it's time for your life to reflect the divine purpose God has written for you.
Don’t let the opinions of others hold you back;
It's time to stand before the Lord with confidence.
How you live your life matters, and this is where community comes in.<br
It's a Lifestyle...
A Holy One that God is Leading you to Embrace.
Practices and tools to set you up for deeper confidence and clarity of your path.
Tools and resources to equip you with Spiritual Warfare and Deliverance
Revival Dance Worship and prayer sessions to deepen your walk with God.
Biblical Teachings & Tools for Self-Care and how to apply it to day to day Life.
Godly Business & Ministry Building. How to build a Kingdom according to God's will.
Studies on the powerful women of the bible for empowerment, healing and revelations.
Understanding Spiritual Gifts and How they Apply to You and How not to be Deceived.