Gratitude - Dana Canneto
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Working with Dana is a pure joy. She is incredibly intuitive and is able to go deep very quickly and in such a gentle way. She made me feel very safe and held such a loving space for me. She helped me make some huge shifts in just the first session! I’m so grateful for her wisdom and compassion. 

Lori Latimer

Discover Your Purpose… Choose Your Direction

Dana is someone who holds beautiful space and provides tools in a safe environment to help tune into your intuition and help you come alive.

My biggest challenge when I first came to Dana was unhealed trauma, guilt, shame, unworthiness, and living from ego thoughts.

Since working with Dana , I have had an amazing ride…I have never been more honest with anyone and myself.  I’ve let go of guilt and shame and unworthiness and I feel finally at a place of deserving.  I feel like I matter for once. that everything makes sense now, the lessons, the journey, the trauma.  I felt isolated when I started working with Dana, and I haven’t felt that since the first session.  That in and of itself is gold to me.  like hitting the internal lotto.  I feel more empowered in my body, in my self.  I feel excited and alive.

I am so so grateful for her work & how she makes you feel completely safe. Everything FINALLY makes sense.  It has  been an amazing experience, and know that I had made the most (and what felt like the first time in my life) the right decision coming to see Dana.


Lisa M, NY

Before Revival Dance, I was looking for a way to reconnect with myself, to remember and reclaim what has been lost along the way.  To stop being what others want me to be.  To not be a chameleon (adjusting so that others are comfortable).   To be comfortable in my own skin and let bright light shine.     Before Revival Dance I was numb, going through the monotony of life.  Hiding my light so that others don’t feel uncomfortable, digging myself in a deeper and deeper hole.  Since working with Dana I have reconnected with the carefree, happy and full of love younger self of me.  The past is under me, the future bright.  Your poem, “What the Ocean Taught Me” was perfectly timed!   Revival Dance is so rejuvenating and you will truly feel revived!



I wasn’t sure why I wanted to join the course… But I felt like I wanted to feel more in touch with and aware of my body and the feminine aspects of it. Plus – I love dance.

I often feel disconnected from my body and ungrounded. I wanted to see how dance and sound can connect within me. It’s something I work on a lot, but dancing forces me to be present and the questions asked to reflect as we dance provide a point of focus. When looking for guidance, we don’t always know what questions to answer.  I realized whilst dancing that old wounds were still present – how afraid I still was of myself for example.  Through this experience, I was able to see, speak, comfort, feel myself and accept all that I saw.

I’d say this so far has been a magical experience! If you want to really sense your body, and embrace who you are as a soul, this journey can do this.


Yemi Taiwo

Since working with Dana I have been experiencing a shift in my wellbeing. She encouraged me to delve deep into the past regarding my story and her non-judgmental manner made me feel safe to explore issues that I have been neglecting. She also encouraged me to use my intuition to work out exactly what my body needs, which has revolutionized my relationship with my myself and my body, making me feel so much more at peace.


Rozynna Fielding

Thank You for being such a positive, kind and genuine caring part of my life, I really appreciate everything you do for me!!!”



Working with Dana is a gentle, exquisite and profound experience. She truly understands how to create a safe space and guide you to open up to the deep truth & wisdom of the body to access your truth. Her work is a beautiful gift and blessing for a realized woman.

Alexandra Zach

From the very beginning, our first session felt like it was destined to be. I most certainly called her in, because I was in need of help. I was looking for some guidance; I reached a point in my life where I felt stuck and confused and had no idea which direction to go regarding my relationship, my career, etc. I was truly unhappy and I did not know what I needed, but lucky for me working with Dana was exactly it.  In just 3 sessions so many things shifted in my life! I couldn’t be more in awe of what has happened in such a short amount of time.

Dana has such a gift, she has a very calming energy, which has made me feel so comfortable to open and release. I’ve been able to open up to her and share all of the things that I’ve been holding onto so deeply in my mind, my body and my heart.  Being able to process and release all of this emotion has really shifted things forward for me. Dana holds the space for you to do this. She is such a strong, powerful being that she can hold the space for you to experience all of this on your own. She’s helped me release what I’ve been holding onto and has acted as a mirror for me so that I could start to see who I really am and connect to my true self on a much deeper level.

After each session I’ve had, major shifts have occurred.  Everything became clear and I didn’t have to do anything really. Just by opening up and sharing, the shift occurred naturally and it all fell into place. In the sessions following, more and more has started to open up with my relationship and purpose and I am encouraged to now follow it.  I keep receiving signs that I am on the right path. I am so grateful for the experiences I’ve had so far and I can’t wait to see what lies ahead.

Kelly M, NY

 Since starting Revival Dance and honoring a need for playful dance, I have been able to have a regular self-care practice that I had been resisting for a long time.. Revival Dance helps access parts of you faster than any talk therapy ever will.  I can’t explain it, you have to experience it.


I joined Dana’s Program, Revival Dance because I wanted to get rid of any layers that were not serving my highest good, anything that was blocking me subconsciously so that I can really own my authentic self and, also to tap into the Divine Feminine within, which I felt that I did not fully embody. Since starting Revival Dance I feel empowered, some parts of myself that I had lost or gave away have returned. I also feel more creative and have started to draw, something I haven’t done in oh so many moons 🙂 I also feel that I want to adorn myself with beauty and own the power of the divine feminine more so. I am setting intentions regarding the health of my body and confidently staying on track. I have been observing myself, the shifts, and have been holding space and gentleness. I have also been giving myself permission to do things that make me feel good without feeling guilty for doing so. This was a tricky one for me.  Revival dance is an awesome way to move through any blockages you may have. Through this movement we let go and it guides you into the fullness of your being, moving you through states of letting go, surrendering and bringing us to our authentic selves


Anna Fabian

Dana is a very special lady and a very wise woman. She is intuitive, insightful and knowledgeable beyond her years. Our body is our temple and Dana gave me the roadmap to form a relationship with mine, a journey on a dusty, rough road that had long since been lost. I never truly realized the importance of and the capacity for our body to be totally in tune with who we are. I was amazed by how everything we do, say and think has an impact on our body and on our energies. Thank you Dana for opening up the door to my new self.


Tana Dawn, The Women’s Transformational Coach